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Yoni Steam bags

Yoni Steam bags

There are a lot of other benefits when it comes to Yoni Steaming, Yoni steams have been found by women throughout history to:

Significantly reduce pain, bloating and exhaustion associated with menstruation.

Decrease menstrual flow as well as reduce dark purple or brown blood at the onset or end of menses.

Regulate irregular or absent menstrual cycles.

Strengthen and tighten vaginal walls and increase sensitivity during intercourse.

Increase fertility, especially when combined with ATMAT

Speed healing and tone the reproductive system after birth.

Reduce uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, uterine weakness, uterine prolapse & endometriosis.

Postpartum healing, assist with the repair of a vaginal tear, episiotomy, or C-section scar.

Assist with the healing of hemorrhoids.

Relieve chronic vaginal/yeast infections UTI, bacterial vaginosis, and works to maintain healthy odor.

Ease symptoms of menopause including dryness or pain during intercourse.

Detoxify the womb and remove toxins from the body.

Release stored emotions/trauma and tap into the energy that is our creative potential, deepen connection to you Feminine Essence & Gaia.

Have stronger & more frequent orgasms, Increase libido while you reignite sensual passion

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